Long before he ever hitched up an Airstream, Michael Lambert created art driven by an appreciation of light, reflection, and riveted beauty. Today, his prolific body of work spans three decades and he’s well-known in the Airstream community for the way he captures the beauty and magic of the Airstream trailer. His work has been exhibited internationally, featured on magazine covers, and displayed at Airstream headquarters, at Airstream Club International headquarters, and in private collections across the country.
Now, Airstream is excited to bring an exhibit of Michael Lambert’s art to the Airstream Heritage Center in Jackson Center, Ohio. MICHAEL LAMBERT: A LOVE AFFAIR WITH ALUMINUM, surveys the artist's body of work and brings together several of his most gorgeous renderings of historically significant Airstreams. It’s a love letter to aluminum from an artist captivated by reflection, remembrance, and the joy that travel brings.
Reflections on the Road to Airstream Adventures
An avid musician and performer with an ear for retro sounds and rockabilly rhythms, Lambert first painted the electric guitars he loved to play and compose music on. Finding the details in the curved shape and shiny surfaces primed Lambert for his future fascination with the world’s most iconic travel trailers.
“I realized that what I liked painting the most were the chrome parts and reflective surfaces of the instruments,” remembered Lambert of his first foray into realism after almost 20 years of mostly abstract art. “It was so challenging and really refreshing for me – capturing the reflections in the chrome parts of these guitars. It’s something I still love when painting Airstreams."
His obsession with reflective surfaces led him to experiment with painting on sheets of aluminum and utilizing riveted materials in his work.
“I loved the way the image hovers over the surface of the aluminum,” Lambert said of painting electric guitars on reflective sheets of aluminum.
In 2000, Lambert completed a large sculpture for an art show about what the future might look like from the mid-19th Century. His “Commuter Flying Saucer” is a life-sized sculpture in riveted aluminum that brought together artistic expression and travel adventure in one thought-provoking piece, even before Lambert realized the power of the Airstream design to captivate and inspire.
The Dawn of an Artistic Airstream Adventure
In 2005, Lambert and his wife Tina purchased a vintage 1971 Airstream Tradewind and began the process of restoring it to its original glory. As the couple worked to rebuild the trailer, Lambert simultaneously built the foundation of his artistic work for the next two decades.
“I’ve always loved good design,” said Lambert. “Eventually I realized the perfect subject matter for me to paint was the classic Airstream travel trailer. That was the start of this obsession that’s threaded through my life, my travel, and my art.”
Today, Michael and Tina own three vintage Airstreams and regularly crisscross the United States and Canada. They are enthusiastic members of Airstream Club International and the Vintage Airstream Club, leading Caravans and building life-long friendships with fellow Airstream enthusiasts. Lambert and his bands have performed at Airstream Rallies like Alumapalooza and the ACI’s annual International Rally, as well as at Airstream parks across the country. When traveling, Lambert brings along a portable art studio so he can stay connected to his artistic endeavors – he even named his trailer the Artstream Studio.
“As an artist, the greatest gift is the opportunity to paint a subject matter and create art that resonates not only with me but with a multitude of others,” said Lambert. “I believe the best works of art over the decades are made when the artist is connected to the subject matter. Looking back, I can see the stepping stones that led me from those early days painting on aluminum and then restoring an Airstream, to this body of work I have today.”
On Display Now at the Airstream Heritage Center
The new exhibit at Airstream’s headquarters in Jackson Center, Ohio, features selections from across Lambert’s artistic career, beginning with his guitar paintings and photos from early exhibits. A collection of Lambert’s Airstream portraits features one from Airstream’s collection (“Wally’s Gold Trailer”), one from The Gulley Collection (“Clipper #1”), and one from a private collection (“Old Grand Dad”).
But the heart of the new exhibit is a new painting in Lambert’s Wanderlust Series – an ongoing artistic attempt to match subject matter with the medium upon which he’s painting.
“In the past few years, quite of a few of my Airstream paintings have been on salvaged aluminum from vintage trailers that have been repaired,” Lambert said. “I try to match the subject matter with the medium – meaning a partial door panel from a 1964 Bambi II would have an image of that model painted on the panel itself."
Lambert’s new painting is called “Wheeler in Ohio,” and features Airstream CEO & President Bob Wheeler’s vintage Airstream Pacer (currently on display in the lobby of Airstream headquarters).
“The trailer is painted on a piece of salvaged Airstream aluminum cut into the shape of the state of Ohio,” said Lambert. “Jackson Center is indicated in the back window of the trailer with the longitude and latitude stamped into the substrate.”
The painting includes numerous details and easter eggs for Airstream enthusiasts, including the Jackson Center water tower and bumper stickers that reference both the Museum of Modern Art (where an Airstream trailer is part of the permanent collection) and the National Forest Foundation where Bob Wheeler is a board member.
A Study in Reflection and the Road
Michael Lambert's journey with Airstream travel trailers has not only shaped his art but also his life. This new exhibit at the Airstream Heritage Center is a testament to his passion and creativity, offering visitors a glimpse into the world of Airstream through his eyes.
Come to Jackson Center, visit the Mothership, and see MICHAEL LAMBERT: A LOVE AFFAIR WITH ALUMINUM in person. Click below for hours, information, and more about the Airstream Heritage Center and our in-person plant tours in Jackson Center, Ohio.
Airstream Supply Company is proud to offer a selection of Michael Lambert's art, including original artworks as well as greeting cards featuring high-quality prints. Shop Airstream Supply Company and bring home original Airstream artwork that will inspire your next adventure.