Endless Caravan

Endless Caravan: Embracing Your Story and Feeling at Home on the Road


Yellow Co. has begun their journey on our Endless Caravan! While making their way cross country for their first conference, the founder Joanna Waterfall shares the reflections she’s had while on the road. Keep reading to hear her reflections on embracing your story and also enjoy an easy, healthy recipe that you can make in your Airstream:

The mountains, the desert, the rivers and trees— all of it passing by my window as I lean back in my seat and reflect on how the series of events in my life have all led me to this very moment. I keep reflecting on how there’s a small part of my story that has already been written, another part of my story that has yet to be written, and also the one that I’m currently writing.

The coolest thing about getting out on the road, away from my regular routine, is the reflective state that traveling inspires in me. I’m able to take a step back and think about my life, as I watch the landscape outside move swiftly past my window.

With long spurts of driving, there’s so much good conversation to be had. My traveling partner Kacy and I have had so much time to get to know each other on this trip. We’ve had time to tell each other our life stories, what we’ve learned, how we’ve dealt with stories from our past, what still haunts us and what we find joy in. Things you wouldn’t normally have time for while going through your everyday life.

Telling your story to another person is a powerful exercise. It allows you to put your story out into the world and see from outside eyes and a different perspective.

We’re hosting pop-up conferences all along the West Coast throughout this tour, and our next one is happening in Orange County this Saturday, with the theme of “Taking Ownership of your Story”. We believe that the better you’re able to own and articulate your own story, the less fragmented and more wholehearted you can live as you go about life. Now, we’re learning that road trips are a great place to process through your life story!

One thing that I learned about Kacy’s story while out on the road, is how cooking a tasty meal is relaxing for her. It’s always been something she enjoys.

After a long day of driving and being away from home, cooking helps her feel at home. When you’re on the road and looking for small ways to make your Airstream home, preparing a great meal is an awesome way to start. It’s also a great way to keep yourself eating healthy while out on the road- which isn’t always easy! Grab a glass of wine, turn on some Francoise Hardy and make yourself at home.

It's hard to eat healthy on the road when you've been driving a lot. When you’re tired, it seems to be easiest to stop by a drive-thru— but it is possible and important to stay healthy and eat well while on the road so you feel your best!

This is a recipe that Kacy has always loved. It’s easy, filling, healthy, and you can change it into many variations to be good for breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Image: IMG_1308-373x280.jpg


(serves 2)

Ingredients :

  • sweet potatoes
  • sausage
  • onion
  • bell pepper
  • spinach
  • egg
  • cheese
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil
  • coconut aminos or soy sauce

How to make it:

  • fill 2 plates with a bed of fresh greens
  • warm up olive oil in a skillet
  • stir in diced sweet potatoes and simmer over low heat until desired crunchiness
  • add diced onion, bell peppers and sausage to your pan and turn up the heat to sauté.
  • add in coconut aminos or soy sauce for full flavor
  • once fully cooked, add veggies on bed of greens
  • to make it a breakfast dish, add egg cooked anyway you like it on top!

Pro Tip: substitute the egg for your favorite pasta for a dinner dish. We added edamame pasta to ours one night and it was delicious!

This is a super easy meal to change up over and over on the road. It's healthy, quick and delicious!

Getting out on the road is a great way to get in touch with yourself and your story. Remember, your Airstream is your home, so do the things that make you feel at home in it. Do the things that allow you to interact with the parts of your story that you love, like your love for cooking, for instance! You want to feel your best while on the road and eating healthy is one way to do that!